Bit of an odd one this.
The other day, I discovered a battered book of short stories by Isaac Asimov on a friend’s shelf, which I proceeded to read. Despite the fact that it is well out of print, I decided to write a review of the book, which can be found here:
Review: Nightfall One (1971), Isaac Asimov
Obviously, I spent far, far too much time on it. Obviously, I did. But there you go. At least it is something else to put in my Reviews section. Asimov aficionados are most welcome to write in with comments about how wrong I am.
In the interests of full disclosure, my links to Amazon now earn me some money (if anyone buys anything), because I have joined the Amazon Associates scheme. I figured that since I was occasionally linking to Amazon anyway, I might as well get something out of it.
This means, for example, that if you buy Nightfall One via THIS LINK I will receive a percentage of the price that you pay for it. Or, at least, I would do if that price were not £0.01. It’s a goldmine, this internet lark, eh?